
Pinteresting: My Top 2 Favs

I'm so sorry I forgot to do a Pinteresting post last week! But I'm making up for it by doing one right now! This week's is going to be my top 2 favorite pins that I repined.
Click on THIS link! This girl shows you so many DIY tricks to make your clothes "new" again, it's amazing!

Ohhhhh my gosh! I think this picture is absolutely amazing! Look at the guy in the middle and the girl above him who is pointing! They crack me up:D

Since I missed last weeks Pinteresting I will hopefully be doing another this week.
Hannah xoxo


  1. It is great to see such a young blogger. I wish I had got into something like this when I was your age. I was too busy writing bad poetry for deviant art haha.

    Much love: http://razzledazzleandrocknroll.blogspot.co.uk/ I am trying to get my followers up at the moment so if you like what you see I will greatly appreciate your follow :). If you already follow I apologise.


    1. Thanks for such a sweet comment! (I doubt your poetry was that bad)
      Hannah xoxo
